Go from Feeling Low, Helpless, and Guilty to Feeling Balanced, Mindful, and Productive in an Overwhelmed World.

Free Ebook offers strategies for maintaining good mental health while engaging with distressing content.

Free Ebook offers strategies for maintaining good mental health while engaging with distressing content.

Dealing with uncensored images of conflict, poverty, and disaster worldwide is not easy, and there will be days when the weight of the world’s pain will feel unbearable.

This is why experts at Muslim Youth Helpline have devised an ebook that speaks to the heart of your turmoil.

Equipped with these new strategies and a renewed sense of agency, you can transition from helplessness to empowerment. You can be ready to face the challenges of these traumatic times head-on.


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This Free Ebook will teach you how to:

  • Strike a balance in your emotions

  • Develop a sense of purpose and direction

  • Empower your approach to world events

  • Engage with your spirituality to get an inner calm

This Free Ebook will teach you how to:

  • Know when to step back and give yourself the space to breathe

  • Go from being a passive consumer to an active participant

  • Seek emotional support when you need it.

About Muslim Youth Helpline:

Muslim Youth Helpline began with a mission to provide young Muslims with emotional support. We offer a non-judgemental, confidential support helpline 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We’ve been serving the Muslim community in the UK for the last 20 years and are proud members of the Association of Mental Health Providers.


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